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The Territorial Analysis Laboratory was created in 2009 in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Renewable Natural Resources (DCA) of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Chile. It arose from the need to bring together academics, professionals, thesis students and interns who work in research, development and innovation projects, and who seek the application of new technologies, techniques and methodological approaches for the analysis and integrated management of the territory and its natural resources.

Though the formalization of the LAT is recent, the work developed from within it is recognized as long-standing, hosting the knowledge and experiences of research in which academics and various professionals have participated over the past 12 years in the DCA of the University of Chile.

Utilización de la geomática como herramienta clave para el análisis y la gestión territorial

An integrated approach to design of management tools and strategies. 

Holistic analysis of the territory and environmental systems.

Use of geomatics as a key tool for territorial analysis and management.

Mision and Vision

The Territorial Analysis Laboratory (LAT) is an academic-professional unit whose mission is to include the concept of integrated and sustainable resource management in the planning and management of territories that various public and private institutions carry out, such as natural resources and environmental systems. This is attained through the development and application of new methodologies and techniques that constitute support for decision-making and offer solutions to problems related to management tasks.

The projects and university teaching imparted by LAT members are based on the use of the following key approaches and tools:

•    Holistic analysis of the territory and environmental systems.
•    An integrated approach to design of management tools and strategies. 
•    Use of geomatics as a key tool for territorial analysis and management.

In this context, the LAT’s future vision is to constitute an academic-professional organism of scientific-technical reference for public and private institutions, in matters of analysis and integrated and sustainable management of natural, economic and social resources

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